Friday, 5 August 2016

II (1) Shiva the Supreme


1. Greatness of Shiva.
2. Sage Vyaasa and the greatness of his works.
3. Brahma’s foolish actions.
4. Story of Sandhyaa.
5. Shiva’s Marriage with Daakshaayini.
6. The Destruction of Daksha Yajna.
7. Shiva’s agony

Devotion to SHIVA!
Devotion to SHIVA!
Devotion to SHIVA!
There is no other shelter for me.
You alone are my support.
Salutations! Salutations! Salutations!
How to get rid of the sorrows?
Once, the Gods asked Vishnu this question.
He answered:
“Is this a thing you all do not know? Is it not clearly seen?
He alone is to be served! He alone is to be served! Always and forever!
SHANKARA is the Remover of all sorrows.
If you are after happiness, never for a moment stop worshipping SHIVA!
If SHIVA is forgotten even for a moment that is the greatest harm that can happen.
That is blindness! That is foolishness!
Those who are devoted to SHIVA; those who are subservient to SHIVA; those who remember SHIVA, they never get a cause to worry!
All that is coveted on the earth will be theirs. All Siddhis reside in him who is devoted to SHIVA!”
Rare is a human birth! Rare is a human birth in a proper family!
Waste not the precious life in sensuous pursuits.
Develop devotion to SHIVA. Offer all that you do to SHIVA.
Duty pertaining to one’s own birth is the best form of worship.
Better than that is the chanting of SHIVA’s name.
Contemplation on His Form is better than chanting.
SHIVA is always present in the mind of the person who meditates on Him.
No sorrows come near such contemplative souls.
LINGA is of two kinds; gross and subtle.
When Linga is worshipped in a gross form, it is eternal.
When IT is meditated upon in the mind, it is subtle.
Worldly people worship the gross form. Yogis worship the subtle form.
The Entire Universe is filled with the principle of SHIVA.
Those who know this truth do not have rules to follow in the worship of SHIVA.
Like one Sun reflected in many water-pots, Shiva is seen everywhere by the Knower.
What use is a gross form of SHIVA, to a knower who sees everything as SHIVA! But, a person who does not have such a realization has to rise himself by worshipping the ‘gross form’ of SHIVA.
There is no sin in this world. But if you own an action, the good and bad of it also belong to you. The sin attaches itself to the pure soul like dirt. Washing the cloth makes the color look brighter. Worship of SHIVA, brings out the color of Knowledge and makes it shine better.
Knowledge rises because of Devotion. Devotion rises because of Knowledge.
Virtuous actions and worship of Gods give rise to Devotion.
Devotion leads to Knowledge. Knowledge leads to the Highest Truth.
Take shelter in a Guru. Keep the company of good souls. Knowledge and devotion will rise together.
In the state of the Highest Truth there is no duality. A person who sees no duality is SHIVA himself.
For a person who has transcended duality there is no happiness or sorrow.
Such a person is honored by all the Sages and all the Gods. Such a person sanctifies the very place he is.
Temples may take some time-span to purify you.
But a devotee of SHIVA who sees SHIVA everywhere purifies you instantly.
Worship of all the Gods is indeed purifying. But Worship of SHIVA is equal to the Worship of all Gods.
SHIVA is like the root of all.
If you water the root, the trunk, branches, leaves, all get that water.
If you water the branches or the leaves, the root never gets the water. The tree dries up.
So worship SHIVA! All Gods are pleased. All your desires would be fulfilled.
O Great Lord! Rise up!
O Lord of my heart! Rise up!
O Lord of Uma! Rise up!
Do good to this world!
I do not know - the right or wrong of things!
I do not know - attachment or detachment!
You reside in my heart O Father! Guide me!
I will act as You direct me!
Salutations O Shiva!
Salutations O Father!
Salutations O Master!
Salutations O my own Self!
Salutations! Salutations! Salutations!
Who can understand SHIVA? Who is He? Where is He?
SHIVA is Auspiciousness!
SHIVA is Knowledge!
SHIVA is Goodness.
SHIVA appears always in the form of a huge fire! He appears as a Linga/Symbol of Fire!
Brahma and Vishnu tried their best to find the beginning and end of that Linga.
Brahma took the form of a swan. Vishnu took the form of a boar.
Brahma wanted to find the source of the Linga! So he flew high like a swan.
Vishnu wanted to find the end of creations. He went downwards digging fiercely.
Did they succeed in their quest?
Could such an event occur? Did it happen really?

Sage Veda Vyaasa, adept in the art of story-telling can narrate the incidents so interestingly that the listener who is lost in the story-line entirely misses the hidden messages in the stories. Vyaasa manages to hide the sacred truths from even an alert listener. He polishes the events with such a glittering color of gold that the actual scene is never understood by the student. Vyaasa, an expert in the phonetic science also, manages to hide Great Mantras and techniques of meditation in the ordinary lettering of the story that an ordinary world- oriented mind can never comprehend it.  A person who can read aloud the works of Vyaasa with perfect intonation gets the benefit of the Mantras, and raises in the spiritual ladder very fast. But in this age where even a Gayatri Mantra is repeated only for merit without the attainment of the actual phonetic benefits as such; where the fiction part of his works alone are circulated and not the proper phonetic rendering of the Puranas, no wonder the modern world discards the great works of the renowned Sage as just a collection of fairy tales.
His composition contains every known thing in the fourteen worlds.
His works are treasure chests containing gems of Knowledge.
Mantras, Yogic-methods, Contemplation of the Highest, Knowledge which belongs to the Gods and many more spiritual codes abound in his works hidden from the ordinary class of listener.
Since Puranas are studied only for the merit they bestow, the Truths are always missed.
Events of the God-world are so obscure and vague that they are dismissed as myths by the logical minds.
The spiritual seekers of today on the other hand dismiss Puranas as some stories connected to the
non-existing clan called Gods. They stick to the lessons taught in the Upanishads and discard the Puranas as fit for the lower class of Sadhaks. They do not understand that the Upanishads are just infinitesimal piece of Truth in SHIVA TATTVA. They forget that the very Upanishads are an extract from the Vedas and it was Vyaasa who sorted out the mess. He alone is the author of all the Puranas. If he has worked all through his life to translate his vision of the God-world into some masterpiece of phonetic science it is not to use them as bed-time stories for kids. In order to hide the God-world from one and all and discourage the heaven-seeking fools of his time, he extracted the Knowledge portion of the Vedas painstakingly with the help of his dear disciple Krishna and diverted all seekers of towards a ‘formless, unifying Truth’!
Upanishads make you reach only up to the Para Brahman level of the creation one is born in and not above that. The first blockage to ‘Truth’ is the Para Brahman level. Of course, without it you cannot proceed further. But you cannot stop at that level itself if you are after the Highest Truth. And, Puranas add more to the confusion.
In Vishnu Bhagavata Vishnu is considered as the Highest God! In Shiva Purana Shiva is the highest! In Skandha Purana Skandha is the Highest. So who really is ‘The Highest’?
No one can get the correct answer from the narratives of the Puranas. It is one single Vyaasa who has written all the Puranas and each Purana extols one chosen God as the Highest. But hidden in each Purana is the coded mantra of that particular deity which only a Sage of the ancient world adept in the recitation of Mantras can comprehend. We have access only to the dilapidated treasure box of Puranas; we do not have the key to open the treasure chest. We do not even know what gems could be hidden in that chest!
Even in the narratives of the Puranas we must learn to read in between the lines. We must understand the allegorical meanings of the events mentioned in the Puranas.
Reading Purana is also an art.
Learn to fly. Learn to dig. Learn to have subtle vision.
Then only Vyaasa’s works will reveal the gems hidden in them.
Puranas are not myths or stories but works of spiritual science filled with Mantras and Tantras.
Approach the book with reverence and the truths will reveal themselves to you.
Salutations to the lotus feet of the Great Sage Vyaasa, the son of Paraashara.
Deva Loka is an abode of many Sacred Truths!
It is place always under attack by the demonic forces!
The God world always presents a dramatic incident outside; but hides the Knowledge internally.
The events are all true. But the Knowledge is hidden.
To quote-
The churning of the milk ocean was true; but the Knowledge gained by Gods in that event is hidden!
Brahma and Vishnu taking the form of swan and the boar are true; the Knowledge they gained is hidden!
Vyaasa is very clever. He can hide the precious stones in a cotton pouch and get away with it!

Swan- can fly up; has wings; is pure white in color; can differentiate between milk and water; can consume the milk mixed up in water! Brahma took the form of a swan to find the top of the Linga!
Boar- can dig down the earth; has legs; is dark in color; is strong and ferocious! Vishnu took the form of the boar to reach the bottom of the Linga!
To get the Higher Knowledge you must have Saatvic nature.
You must have the wings of discrimination and analysis; Viveka and Vichaara!
You should be able to comprehend the Truth behind the appearances!
You should know ‘AHAM SAHA’ – ‘I AM HE’!
You should fly high without stopping. There is no resting place in the middle. You reach the destination or fall! You must be a swan if you want to find the source of SHIVA!
To get the Knowledge of the Creations you should be Rajasic in nature!
You must have VEDAS as legs - as your Support!
You should be capable of digging out the Truths!
You must be adamant enough to throw away the worthless mud surrounding the Truth!
You must be strong enough to never cease your efforts till you get what you want.
If you stop half-way you will have only mud all around you; as we are buried in Devotion-less worships and Knowledge-less discourses!
You must be a boar if you want to find the Truth about the Creations!
The Created worlds are where you can find the feet of SHIVA!
Brahma who was Rajasic in nature could not find the Source of SHIVA!
He was filled with Creative vaasanaas!
A vibrating mind cannot rise high! Only Silence can lead to the Truth!
So he failed!
Vishnu understood that the Knowledge downwards was infinite and so, he stopped his search!
He did not fail! He knew his limitations!
A salt doll can never find the depths of the ocean; but it can melt in the ocean and be the ocean itself!
If you want to know SHIVA you have to become SHIVA!
You needn’t be either a swan or a boar; just BE THAT!

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