Friday, 5 August 2016

I (5) What is a Jeeva?

That which gets born and lives and vanishes is a JEEVA.
The experienced life is the identity of the JEEVA.
Without a life to experience there cannot exist a JEEVA.
A JEEVA is a triad of experiencer, experiencing and experienced.
JEEVA is the EGO-MANIFESTATION of a Vaasana.
Infinite Creations exist in the mental space of SHIVA.
Varieties of JEEVAS create various fields of experience for the exhaustion of their Vaasanaas.
Some Jeevas try to attain the other worlds and strive for other higher posts of heaven.
Some perform Sacrifices and become Indras. Some perform penance and go to heavens.
Some Jeevas aspire to become Creators. These souls perform severe penance.
One who excels in penance is chosen by SHIVA to become the next BRAHMA.
SHIVA contains all Jeevas within Himself.  HE produces the worthy soul -‘which wanted to create’ - from His own person and leaves him on the Lotus. BRAHMA is not produced by the Veerya of VISHNU. He is a Creation of SHIVA. This chosen BRAHMA has to perform penance to attain the Power of Creation. He then takes the store of Un manifested Vaasanaas of the previous endless Creations and creates the Worlds. He can imagine any form, any shape, and any character as per his capability of imagination. Innumerable BRAHMAS have come and gone. Many rise up through penance and retire from their Post and reach Higher Worlds. Some even get cursed and fall into the mortal world.  BRAHMA’S Creation begins at the dawn of His Knowledge and continues for long till he is exhausted of his own Game and retires. Infinite number of YUGAS passes for us, before BRAHMA’S one day is completed. He goes on creating and destroying for a long time, till he has exhausted his own Creation-Vaasana. Each BRAHMA has his own Set of Rules and Regulations set for his Creation.
Vedas differ; Yugas differ; Elements differ. Sometimes Creations will have only stones and sand; sometimes only trees; sometimes only women; sometimes only men; sometimes only some wicked creatures. All depends on the Creative Ability of BRAHMA.
If he is too devotional - temples will abound.
If he is too fight-oriented - wars will be innumerable.
If he is fond of tasty dishes – the Creation will overflow with tasty foods.
If he is too scientific –the world will progress in a scientific manner, as our Universe.

Yes! Our Creator was too science oriented, too logical; and here we are with science and logic as the predominant Vaasana in this Creation!

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