Brahma is the Creator. His son was Naarada.
Once, Naarada wanted to perform penance. He contemplated on the Self, settling himself in a cave in the deep Himalayan region, on the bank of River Ganga.
Indra, the King of Gods felt worried about his position. He decided to take action. He thought of KAAMADEVA, the God of Passion. He requested him to create disturbance in the mind of Sage Naarada.
God of Passion.
He was also known as Madana, Maara, Manmatha, etc.
He was the most beautiful of all Gods.
He was addicted to wine and women.
No maiden could resist his charm.
He could create romantic worlds of extreme charm.
He could create disturbances in the minds of greatest Sages.
He could provoke the sense organs of anybody.
He could create passion and love in anybody.
He was proud of his own power.
Naarada was no challenge to him.
He reached the place of penance.
He entered the impregnable forest.
The terrifying forest changed into a garden of exotic beauty.
Flowers blossomed everywhere. Beautiful scents filled the quarters.
Bees hovered all around, kissing the tender lips of the smiling flowers.
Birds of different varieties provided a melodious orchestra.
Spring was in the air. Winds blew tenderly filling every mind with burning passion.
But, the Sage was undisturbed.
Kaama felt defeated. Then, he remembered.
That was the region, SHIVA had performed penance once.
He was burnt by the third eye of SHIVA.
He had become alive after his spouse ‘Rati’ prayed to SHIVA.
SHIVA had ordained that the forest would never be touched by Kaama’s power.
Madana returned to Indra, crestfallen.
SHIVA’s Maaya; his illusory power! Nobody can stand against his Maaya.
Naarada succumbed to it. He completed the penance and went to the Heavens.
Indra saluted him with reverence. Indra praised the Sage and complemented him about his dispassion.
Naarada was drunk in his own self-praise. He felt great. He had done what SHIVA had done.
He had conquered Kaama.
He was equal to SHIVA.
He felt like meeting his equal.
He went to SHIVA-LOKA.
He saluted SHIVA.
He narrated his tale of penance. He described in detail, his feat of conquering the Passion-God.
His eyes shone with pride. He looked at SHIVA, as if he were his equal.
SHIVA’s face lighted up with a charming smile.
Mischief gleamed in his lotus-like eyes.
He spoke with reverence.
“O wise One, You are indeed great. You have excelled me in dispassion. Please be kind, and don’t narrate this great tale of dispassion to anybody else. Especially to HARI! You are dear to him; whoever is a devotee of HARI is also dear to me. So better not repeat this to anybody else. Keep the greatness of character to yourself. Please act per my advice.”
SHIVA’s advice fell on deaf ears.
Naarada was deluded.
He went to his Father BRAHMA and narrated his tale of dispassion.
BRAHMA understood the vanity of his son. He also, advised him to keep the story to himself.
Naarada disregarded his advice.
He went to VISHNU-LOKA. He repeated the tale to VISHNU.
VISHNU meditated on SHIVA for a few moments.
He understood what SHIVA’s intention was. ‘Naarada needed a lesson.’
VISHNU praised Naarada for the greatness of his character.
Naarada gave a gracious smile and left after saluting VISHNU.
VISHNU smiled.
A beautiful city arose to meet Naarada on his journey.
A city occupying many hundred of miles in its measure; filled with wonders;
more beautiful than Indra’s city.
Pretty damsels and handsome men wandered about engaged in love-sports.
Poverty was unknown. Life was just enjoyments of various kinds.
This charming city was ruled by King SHEELA-NIDHI.
He had a pretty daughter of marriageable age.
When Naarada entered the city, the city was celebrating the Svayam-vara of the princess.
The Sage was taken to the palace by some renowned members of the city.
Naarada felt elated. He gloated in his mind about his own greatness.
He entered the palace as if he was SHIVA himself gracing the king.
He was duly worshipped by the king. The king introduced his daughter to him.
The young maiden saluted the Sage and stood in front of the Sage with bent head.
The king asked him about his daughter’s future.
Naarada raised his eye towards the princess.
After all, who was he! The great form of dispassion; equal to SHIVA!
A sight of a girl is not going to affect him. He had conquered Kaama, hadn’t he?!
He looked at the princess.
Million lightning stuck him at once.
His mind was lost to the world.
He couldn’t take his eyes away from her.
What a face! Like a full-moon just risen!
What shyness! Like the quarters at the evening time!
What a beauty! Those pot-like breasts heaved in excitement.
Naarada was burning in an unknown fire.
He wanted nothing in the world except, to have her in his possession as soon as possible.
What was her name?
Yes! She was as beautiful as MAHALAKSHMI!
She deserved a husband as great as himself.
What was the king saying?
Oh, he was asking about the future of the girl.
Little did the king know that he was talking to his great son-in-law of the future.
Naarada came down to Earth from the lofty heights of his great being.
Naarada spoke:
“O King! You do not know the fortune of this pretty daughter of yours. Her husband is the Lord of all; a person equal to SHIVA himself in dispassion. He is a conqueror of KAAMA himself. Nobody equals him in greatness.” The king was overjoyed. Naarada took leave of him.
Naarada was worried.
‘How to possess that pretty damsel’?
Even if he attended the Svayam-vara, what chances are there for him?
With so many royal personages around, there was no hope of even getting a side-glance from her.
He has to get a handsome body; and, who is more handsome than VISHNU!
Divine damsels hovered around him, intoxicated by his charms!
Even AISHVARYA DEVI, the pretty young daughter of ISHVARA, was charmed by Him.
Better request NAARAAYANA to give him his form and oblige his great devotee.
Naarada went to VISHNU-LOKA.
Naarada met VISHNU in his private chambers.
He did not notice the little red form buried inside the coils of the giant snake.
He explained his problem to VISHNU.
After all VISHNU was a friend; a close friend.
‘Maybe once he was his beloved master, but now they both were equal.
NO, NO! He was another SHIVA now.
VISHNU was bound to oblige him’.
Naarada asked for the ‘form of VISHNU’.
VISHNU was most obliging.
After all, what were friends for!
If the friend is sick, shouldn’t he be cured at any cost!
Naarada’s joy knew no bounds. He couldn’t believe it.
He had the face of HARI now; face of his dearest friend.
How handsome he looked now!
The girl will be surely his…; no doubt about it at all.
But, why had NAARAAYANA laughed aloud, after he gave ‘his form’ to him?
His friend was always like this.
Always laughing for no reason…!
And his silly niece too…; the little daughter of DURGA…
She had not stopped laughing till he had hurried off; her hair flying…; her ear rings fluttering..; her reddish hue turning redder..! She had held on to the neck of her uncle and laughed till tears filled her eyes.
Naarada never could know that the whole prank was her idea.
And, her uncle had done just what she had told.
Prank…? Played on Naarada? What happened actually?
When Naarada asked for the face of VISHNU, he had addressed VISHNU as HARI and that too, in a derogatory tone. AISHVARYA, who was messing around with ADI-SHESHA’s endless coils, heard Naarada’s speech. She was enraged. ‘How dare this fool address her dear uncle disrespectfully like this!’ she thought, and decided ‘This arrogant fool needed a lesson; a lesson he won’t forget soon..!’
NAARAAYANA had obliged her secret request and Naarada had VISHNU’S face.
To him, it appeared as NAARAAYANA’S face. But to others he was ‘monkey faced’.
SHIVA’s daughter had played her trick on him. After all, HARI means a monkey also! Does it not?
So Naarada had got what he wanted…a ‘Hari’s face’.
And LAKSHMI was not there to control the little imp! She was getting ready for the SVAYAM-VARA at the palace of SHEELA-NIDHI, in the guise of his daughter SREEMATI.
Naarada hurried out of VAIKUNTA; He shouldn’t be late for the SVAYAM-VARA.
AISHVARYA’S laughter still echoed in all the quarters.
NARAAYANA was looking with love-lorn eyes at the beautiful girl.
TAIJASAA was now a budding beauty; her fresh youthful charms excited any on-looker to extreme heights of passion. Unaware of her own feminine charms, the little girl still played all over the heavens like a five year old child. NAARAAYANA had to try hard to control his own passion and treat her like a child.
Moreover the red beauty was extremely attached to her mother and it was hard to lure her away from the shadow of the maternal care which guarded the innocent girl from all wicked eyes. No one, not even Naaraayana dared the angry glance of the Supreme Queen of the heavens.
Even now, as the little girl sat on his lap laughing uncontrollably, NAARAAYANA felt like tightening his embrace around the youthful body and shower kisses all over her and absorb all her redness into his person! But, she was not aware of his plight at all! She was just a child; love or lust had no place in her world! Her laughter reddened the white waves splashing all around the snaky seat.
The SVAYAMVARA- HALL was overflowing with the gems of the Kshatriya clan.
Brave, handsome men awaited their chance to get the glimpse of that pretty damsel SREEMATI.
Wasn’t she a beauty ….? As beautiful as MAHALAKSHMI!
Or, was she MAHALAKSHMI herself?
Naarada entered the hall!
He never understood why all the people he met on the way smiled!
‘Maybe they were enamored by his handsome person!
A second NAARAYANA in the Universe!
As handsome as VISHNU and, as dispassionate as SHIVA!
He should be now known as SHIVA-NAARAAYANA!
He was now a person to be worshipped by one and all as the GREATEST!’
He looked all around.
In the Heavens, VISHNU was pleading with the little girl to save his devotee’s honor.
He produced many a toy from the deep depths of his Milk-Ocean and promised her a trip to GANDHARVA-LOKA, the magical world. She, at last agreed reluctantly.
Naarada changed into his original form, in the SVAYAMVARA-HALL!
All others saw him as the Sage only; except Divinities and Rishis.
But, he thought he looked like VISHNU.
Naarada was waiting.
Two Brahmins approached him; two subordinates of the RUDRA clan.
They started passing uncouth remarks at the Sage.
They laughed at his monkey face; made vulgar remarks; laughed aloud, commenting on his person.
Naarada was sweating. His face was red with embarrassment.
He did not understand why they addressed him as a monkey. He was confused!
SREEMATI entered the hall.
She was a devotee of NAARAAYANA.
She adored His form in her heart.
She had accepted Him as her LORD in her mind.
Nobody knew her infatuation for VISHNU.
How could she aspire for the company of the Greatest God?
She sighed in frustration.
She was disgusted with the whole thing.
A ‘SVAYAMVARA’ indeed!
She looked at the princes assembled there.
She was led by her maid towards the assemblage.
The golden garland in her hand trembled.
Where was her beloved LORD?
What foolishness? Why would He come here?
Tears filled her large eyes.
Suddenly she saw some bluish form passing by through her tear screen.
She for a moment thought that her LORD was there.
No, that was some creature from some other world, with the body of her LORD and the face of a monkey.
‘Oof!’- She walked away in disgust. ‘What to do?’ – She was wondering.
She passed all the kings without even glancing at them.
Their faces darkened as she passed them.
Thy bent their heads, with all their dreams shattered.
They were now eager to know, which lucky man would get her!
SREEMATI’S eyes lit up suddenly.
‘Who was that handsome young man standing at the fag end of the hall?
Her own NAARAAYANA! He had heard her heart’s call! Her love was true!’
She hurried towards that lovely Prince.
As she garlanded his blue-hued neck, He embraced her with extreme love.
She disappeared into His ‘HEART’. He disappeared from the world.
The crowd never saw the Prince.
They saw SREEMATI disappearing; confusion was everywhere!
King SHEELANIDHI closed his eyes in panic.
He saw his daughter seated in the company of LORD NAARAAYANA.
Tears of bliss flowed from his eyes.
Naarada was returning home. He was frustrated.
His body was burning in passion.
His unfulfilled desire was turning into rage.
‘Desire- insatiate’ changes into anger, leading to delusion and destruction.
He searched for an outlet.
The two Brahmins were still following him, commenting about his character.
They were displaying a mirror and held it in front of him.
He saw a monkey-face glaring at him from the mirror.
He felt cheated. His face reddened with anger.
The two Brahmins were still standing there laughing aloud.
His voice rose in a curse. “May thou both become demons.”
They did not seem to care.
The two RUDRAS returned to their abode at SHIVALOKA.
VAIKUNTA, the abode of Lord VISHNU.
VISHNU was lying on his serpent bed.
LAKSHMI was not there. She never gave Him company nowadays. His niece was also not there. Maybe she will be looting Indra’s garden with her gang. She had been commenting that, Indra had made some derogatory remarks about her baby-sitter, LORD BHAIRAVA. Now Indra had it! With his garden in ruins, he would come to him to complain. This had become a routine! DEVALOKA could not stand the naughtiness of this little imp! She was becoming a menace. He must talk to his sister about her. It would give him a chance to meet the girl of his hearts and fill her beautiful form in his eyes. Now – here was Naarada….’
VISHNU looked at the enraged Sage and flashed an innocent smile at him.
Words flowed from Naarada’s mouth like a hot stream.
VISHNU listened patiently.
“You HARI, ..How dare you do this to me?
You wicked fellow…! Cheat..! Deluder..!
You can’t stand something good happening to others. Isn’t it so?
No wonder, a deadly poison came out of your penance, when you people desired
the nectar which was actually ‘the Knowledge of the bliss from women’.
If SHIVA had not taken the poison and swallowed it, the whole world would have been destroyed.
And, you cheated all the demons; fed them wine instead of nectar.
As MOHINI, you enjoyed the company of all Gods.
And, you went behind all the divine beauties that appeared there.
You are the most fallen God ever, if I know!
Nobody dares to control your wicked exploits.
But, still ‘I’ am there! I will punish you! You will suffer the consequences of your own actions!
Here is my curse….! Fie on you..!
Live on the Earth as a man. May monkeys become your friends.
May you be separated from your spouse. May you experience the pangs of separation.”
VISHNU accepted his curse calmly.
‘As SHIVA wills’ – he thought; ‘SHIVA knows best’.
A life on Earth may divert him from the endless problems he had to face daily in the Heavens.
Was he not experiencing separation from his wife even now!
LAKSHMI had not much regards for his romantic nature.
She was always serious and seemed to be absorbed in higher thoughts.
He liked to sing, dance and play around! That is why he liked his niece. What a fun-loving girl she was! Time flew when she was there. She was next to SHIVA in dancing. Singing – she never could master. For, she could never be stationed at one place for more than a fraction of a second! What harm? Her voice was so soft, that her very laughter was like a song.
His thoughts suddenly stopped with a jolt.
Some soft tender form fell on his back. Two red creepers entwined his neck.
Little red mouth was whispering.
“Indra……his friends. ….they are chasing”
Her little breasts heaved fast increasing his infatuation.
Her fruit-like lips were trembling. ‘Oh….when his mouth would taste them!’
No time to lose! He heard some angry voices.
Naarada was gone.
He lifted the little girl in his strong hands and embracing her like a treasure, vanished along with her.
ADI-SHESHA looked at the disappearing forms.
He sighed! His heart ached!
He was not only the Serpent-Brother of VISHNU, but also the Second RUDRA.
He was a Giant and guarded the heavens with his terrifying form.
For long he had been absorbed in penance.
Women never disturbed him.
But now, this little TAIJASAA, the lovely daughter of UMA was piercing his stone-like heart with her innocent looks. He had been always her personal guardian and looked after her as ordered by the Queen. But recently he knew something was changing within him. The little baby whom he caressed and cuddled all these days with affection was causing untold sufferings to him nowadays with her youthful beauty. Her every playful touch sent innumerable shocks all over his giant form. He felt like embracing her lovely form in his countless coils and burying her within himself like a coveted gem.
‘AH LOVE! Why do you play games with Great Gods also? BHAIRAVA in love!
What more wonder can be there?’
Bhairava sighed heavily!
The waves around him turned into steam!
Naarada was burning in the fire of guilt.
After he returned from VISHNU-LOKA, he had gone off to a cave of his own and started contemplating on the SELF. He wanted to annihilate his passion in the fire of his penance. And his mind cleared; Delusion disappeared. He understood his foolishness and felt horrible.
Oh! What a fool he had been! An idiot. .an absolute idiot!
To think that he was equal to SHIVA and NAARAAYANA! How arrogantly had he behaved!
To think that he had conquered passion, and fall into the pits of damnation at the sight of a girl!
And, he had boasted in front of SHIVA about his dispassion; in front of the GOD who had burnt KAAMA in an instant! What would Shiva have felt! Why did he not burn him also! Too compassionate he was!
And, NAARAAYANA; his favorite God! He did not cut this fool’s neck for coveting LAKSHMI! He was also too kind.
Naarada wanted the Earth below him to crack and swallow him.
Tears of regret fell on his person, bathing him and purifying him of all his sinful actions.
Like a child running towards a father -
Like a calf running towards its mother -
Like a beloved rushing towards her lover-
Like a river speeding towards ocean –
Naarada rushed to NARAAYANA!
Vishnu’s ‘lotus -feet’ were bathed by the tears of his beloved devotee.
Choked sounds of apology were pouring out of the mouth of Naarada.
Vishnu’s strong arms lifted the crying form up.
Naarada was tightly embraced by his grandfather. Vishnu’s eyes became moist.
His broad chest was bathed by tears - his devotee’s, and his own too!
Yes! God cries in bliss when His wayward children turn towards Him.
There is no bliss like getting back a lost sheep!
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