Vaasanaas are the latent tendencies. They are the Seeds of Creation.
The word Vaasana arises from the root-letter ‘vaas’ – ‘to reside’.
These Vaasanaas reside in the Jeeva and prompt a Jeeva to experience their manifestation.
Vaasanaas have the power to create their own fields for their manifestation.
If a Vaasana is there, it is certain that it will become manifested.
NAARAAYANA with His penance-power holds these Vaasanaas in His own person, till a BRAHMA arises on the Lotus. It is like having live sparks of power inside oneself. That is why He gets tired and rests for long.
BRAHMA attains the Knowledge of the Vaasanaas by the performance of penance.
He uses these Un-manifested Vaasanaas as the base material and adds to it, the chemical of his own imaginations and meditates. All Vaasanaas now get transferred from ‘Vishnu’s Being’ to his own person. Inside his own mind, Brahma creates a space and allows the Vaasanaas to create ‘fields’ for their play. Each Vaasana strengthened by Brahma’s imaginative power starts whirling, getting ready to manifest.
With Brahma as the Conscious Principle and the Space less centre - these Vaasanaas start their manifestation. The whirling mass of Vaasana becomes a Jeeva and gets its own mental space and starts acting. The Jeeva forgets the Self which is Brahma and believes in its own limited identity. All these Jeevas which are nothing but bundles of Vaasanaas intermingle, mix the fields of experiences, and create a new world of their own. All Jeevas are given freedom to develop any type of Vaasana they feel like. Freedom is there; scope is there, for all these limited souls. They can get bound by more Vaasanaas. Or, they can destroy their Vaasanaas with effort and become free from their limitations. Actually all these fields of experiences are centered round the Self of the Creator. He is the ‘Witness Conscious’ of one and all. He is the only real person. He acts as ‘many’ and enjoys the world as ‘many Jeevas'. He gets the experience of all the Jeevas. He gets all their bliss. What He lacked as a single Soul in his previous birth, he compensates by becoming all the Jeevas in his own Creation and enjoys the world as ‘Every One’. He is like an actor, who became a producer. He dominates his own Creation in all the scenes. He is the Main Character in all the scenes. His story, his direction, his script, his programme, his own rules dominate his Creation. The Higher Gods do not interfere in his Creation. Brahma is like a child with a new toy. Sometimes the play goes on well. Sometimes it becomes a mess. At those times Brahma seeks the help of Naaraayana, his Father-Figure. Naaraayaana descends down into the limited mental space of the Creations, becomes a ‘character’ there and tries to rectify things. He destroys all bundles of Vaasanaas which are worthless and harmful to the Game of Brahma. Then he dies like a character in the Game and returns to his own abode. He is praised as an Avatar by the Jeevas who were saved from harmful destruction. Sometimes Vishnu does not actually come down, but sends a robotic figure of his own to act like an Avatar in the Creation. Or, sometimes the Brahma may send a special request to Vishnu to appear in person in his Creation and honor the scene. Since the Brahma is after all a Jeeva who has become a Creator, he has his own hero-worship at heart. So each Creator may want a RAMA and a KRISHNA in their Creations. So, based on an original event in the past, ‘Stories of Rama and Krishna’ are repeated again and again. Sometimes Vishnu himself may act out the story, or he may just empower the robotic duplicate of himself and help Brahma. Vishnu always keeps an eye on the creative programme of the new Brahma to see that nothing harmful occurs. He has to keep check on the Vaasanaas lest harmful Vaasanaas exceed the required number. The positive and negative Vaasanaas are to be equal in number to maintain the balance in the Creation. If good Vaasanaas are more, it is called SATYUGA. If wicked Vaasanaas exceed, it is called KALIYUGA. Any YUGA might be first or last; there is no set rule about the order. All depends on which type of the Vaasanaas is dominant. All characters which are the favorite of the Jeeva-turned-Brahma get repeated in the Creation. So like Rama, and Krishna, even Vyaasa, and Vasishta and others also get repeated roles. Less powerful characters other than Vishnu are bound to appear in every Creation, in every Yuga. That is the price they pay for an eternal life in Heavens.
Innumerable are the Creations; Innumerable are the Ramas; Innumerable are the Vyaasas and Vasishtas.
Can there be Creations without Ramayana and Mahabharata?
Yes! If the Creator so desires!
Our world is created by a Brahma who had his own Vaasana of logic and science as the seed of this Creation; and the resultant world is what we have now, extremely logical and scientific; so logical that Brahma’s existence itself has become a matter of disbelief.
BRAHMA gets his Knowledge from SARASVATI. She has to accept him as her husband and give him Knowledge through ‘Union’. But, so far no Brahma has been able to woo her. Being a Supreme Goddess of the Heavens, she never reveals all the Knowledge aspects to Brahma and helps him only in a limited way.
She never gives him company and disregards him as an ordinary Jeeva who has managed to attain a higher post in Heaven. She was originally the spouse of Vishnu and by her arrogant behavior, was cursed to become the spouse of Brahma. With her ‘Supreme Power of Knowledge’, she makes a fool of Brahma. As Brahma does not have much Knowledge about the Heavens at the time of his first appearance, he does not even know that Sarasvati is his wife and never can seek her for any consultation or help.
Brahma’s world is known as BRAHMA LOKA where all good souls enter and Brahma enjoys their company, like meeting his own kith and kin. These souls are as ignorant of the ‘Higher Worlds’ as Brahma. Since Brahma himself is ignorant of SHIVA LOKA, VISHNU LOKA etc., his ‘Creation’ also has no Knowledge of them. At such times Shiva himself takes the guise of a mortal and teaches the souls about the state of Brahman. It is probable that SHIVA might have come as ADI SHANKARA and taught the ‘Knowledge of the Self’ to the suffering Jeevas. As we all know Shankara destroyed all other worthless philosophies which were emerging through meaningless logic, and also established ‘Centers of Knowledge’ all over the sacred land of BHAARATA, to guide the souls in the path of ‘Right Knowledge’.
VAANI never cooperates in these works. So Vishnu, who has to maintain the Worlds, is always on the alert and on guard. He also has to fight the ‘AASURIC FORCES’, which appear all of a sudden in the Creations. No wonder he is always tired and rests on the serpentine bed of His.
LAKSHMI, who thinks that Brahma’s Creations are too childish for her attention, also disregards Brahma.
She is also envious of Sarasvati, and disfavors Knowledge. As the mortal-world is a mirror-image of the attitudes of the Gods above, Wealth and Knowledge are always on parallel lines here.
LAKSHMI is also envious of AISHVARYA, the pretty little daughter of ISHVARI who was slowly displacing her from the heart of VISHNU.
With the two Goddesses ignoring the Creations of the poor Brahma, DURGA with the help of Shiva gives a helping hand to Vishnu, at times. She fights the demons herself and safeguards the ‘Creations’ from their attack. That is why Naaraayana and Maaya are called the main powers of maintenance. Brahma is taken care of, like a child who is learning to walk.
SHIVA created another form out of His right side.
Before IT became conscious, He manifested ‘that form’ in the Lotus.
Brahma was seated on a beautiful lotus.
He did not know who he was.
He did not know who his originator was.
His mind was blank.
He wondered about himself.
He couldn’t find the answer.
He looked all over; all around.
Nothing but waters!
Waters, Waters, Waters Everywhere.
Nothing else was seen.
No one else was there.
Brahma felt lonely.
He longed for some company.
His ‘Jeeva-Vaasana’ of ‘seeking-company’ was still there.
He wanted to search!
He looked at the Lotus and its stalk below, which disappeared into the deep depths of the Waters. He thought that the stalk may lead to some unknown lands and somebody might be there. He dived into the tubular hole of the Lotus-Stalk and traveled down. Hundreds of years passed! The end was not at all there. The stalk seemed to go down indefinitely. Tired of the whole effort, he decided to reach the top of the Lotus, and started his journey upwards. But, now, he couldn’t reach the flower-part at all! Traveling up and down; confused and anxious; he wasted many hundred years of his. He stopped his efforts, and paused
for a second, and sent a call of prayer to the ‘Higher Mental Space’, above his mental space. Shiva heard his call. He commanded VAANI to help the ignorant Brahma. She reluctantly agreed. Without appearing in front of Brahma, she just created a sound in the waters from her own abode.
The waters splashed all around with this strange noise. Brahma heard it. ‘At least some sound’; he was relieved. He listened intently.
The waters splashed with the strange sound. Brahma understood.
‘TAPA’ means penance! He performed penance for twelve thousand years.
He contemplated on his SELF which will lead him to his own identity.
He would have realized earlier, if VAANI had condescended to give him her company. But, now he could get Knowledge only through penance. So, he performed penance.
The arrogant Principle of Knowledge was amused.
Vishnu waited patiently. Shiva was annoyed. Durga removed the delusion from the mind of Brahma by manifesting in him as VIDYAA.
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